Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Hope Choice

Miranda Beach, Pontevedra
Province of Negros Occidental, Philippines
January 24, 2014
photo by Lidia Arbolario

You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?
-Psalm 56:8

The hope choice.

It's will not always be the easy road to take.

But as an overcomer,  I take this road... I make this choice.

With hope we overcome the fear, the disappointment, the pain.

Hope is our shield of protection from the fiery darts of discouragement.

Hope is the fuel for our faith.

With hope:

... I can acknowledge that God is near.

...I can better understand His character. 

Abba Father knows... He cares... He can change me... He can turn my situation around.

He keeps a record of my tears!

His love is not based on my performance, but on His character.

With hope:

... I can accept His offer to help.

We need to be connected to His power.

True freedom comes from the willingness to take some risks. 

I can be honest.

I can mourn and grieve over my past wrong choices.

The Lord promises that I will not drown when I go through the waters.

Neither will I burn as I go through the fire.

I can take the things I have mourned over, and offer them to Jesus for redemption.

(Taken from my Sermon Notes journal - July 17, 2013)

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