Friday, January 10, 2014

Sowing Seeds of Compassion

A gentle response deflects fury,
but a harsh word makes tempers rise.
- Proverbs 15:1
(Complete Jewish Bible)

Still very much on my heart as this day ends for me

 is the word "compassion."

How easy it is to be unkind, 

maybe not outwardly,

but inwardly...

to be critical,

to find fault...

when the more noble choice would be

to withhold judgment,

and extend grace to another.

To be an agent of healing,

a channel of mercy.

Changing the atmosphere around us

with a kind thought,

a gentle word.

Showing appreciation instead of condemnation.

Because compassion unites,

but a critical spirit divides...

Appreciation promotes growth

but a stinging criticism breeds decay.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy
and find grace to help
in time of need.
-Hebrews 4:16

Please help me Abba Father make a difference by sowing seeds of compassion wherever You send me. 

May the words I speak heal, not wound, another person's heart. 

May they be life-giving words that nourish and sustain life causing the hearer's soul to flourish.

May my presence in another's life be an invitation... not an imposition, reflecting the tenderness of Your heart. Amen. 

Sing the over again to me
Wonderful words of life,
Let me more of their beauty see
Wonderful words of life
Words of life and beauty

Beautiful words, wonderful words 
Wonderful words of life
Beautiful words, wonderful words
Wonderful words of life.

Christ the blessed One gives to all
Wonderful words of life
Sinner list to the loving call
Wonderful words of life
All so freely given
Wooing us to heaven

Beautiful words, wonderful words 
Wonderful words of life

Beautiful words, wonderful words
Wonderful words of life.

Sweetly echo the Gospel call
Wonderful words of life
Offer pardon and peace to all
Wonderful words of life
Jesus only Savior
Sanctify us forever

Beautiful words, wonderful words 
Wonderful words of life
Beautiful words, wonderful words
Wonderful words of life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog today. Your blog posts are inspiring as well. Im not sure where you are but God knows n is with you always.
