Monday, January 13, 2014

Words Are Not Good Enough... For Now

January Sunset

photo by Lidia Arbolario
taken on January 10, 2014

"Thank you: is the best prayer that anyone could say. 
I say that one a lot.
Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.
- Alice Walker

My time here in America is drawing to a close.

And now, I find that there are no words good enough to express what is on my heart as this journey is about to end, and a new one is about to begin.

Abba Father is unfathomable in His ways. About six months ago, when this plan for me to come here was just being hatched, so to speak, I never would have known what to expect.

I even had so much reluctance in my heart to embark on this journey.

But today four months later, I feel so sad at having to say good-bye.

My heavenly Father gave me this amazing gift... spending a part of summer, then the fall, and a part of winter in this place.

A place of quiet and serenity and immense beauty.

What can I say... but thank you.

Thank you to my sister who was instrumental in my coming over.

Thank you to her family for welcoming me into their home and hearts, making me feel so much like a part of them.

Thank you to dear friends who helped make my entire stay here so meaningful.

Thank you to my family back home for taking good care of everything in my absence.

And above all, thank You to Abba Father... for everything.

Words are not good enough... for now.

Because in our earthly existence, words are only handles that we use to express the feelings and thoughts and experiences within our hearts.

As such, words will always be inadequate. The same way that a picture can never really do justice to the real thing.

But in eternity we will not be limited by words.

I believe that in eternity words will not even be needed to communicate with one another, although there will also be a form of verbal communication there.

Using my heavenly language to pray is a foretaste of this. In heaven there will be such openness, transparency, and honesty that it will not be a problem expressing what is on our hearts to one another, and especially to God.

There will be perfect understanding.

Yes, in heaven... we will know, and we will be known!

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