Monday, February 3, 2014

Understanding the Bridal Paradigm

The Bride Awaiting Her Bridegroom, Jesus

The Transformative Power of a Divine Relationship

Understanding the bridal paradigm (i.e., the spotless bride) found in the Bible is not so hard to understand once you see this connection to the healing power of a relationship with God. This reflects the purpose of the name of this blog… to heal and transform wounded hearts of disunity, pride, and immaturity through greater intimacy with Christ.
The authors of the Bible always emphasized that we are to have a deeply intimate relationship with God. Just look at the intimate language used in the Bible to refer to this relationship between God and Man. Jesus referred to us as His children, brothers, and friends, and He referred to God as our Father. The apostles referred to the Church as Christ’s Bride! Similarly, before Jesus came to earth, God also referred to the people of Israel as His children and the nation of Israel as His bride.
Why refer to the Church as the Bride of Christ?
There are multiple reasons for the bridal paradigm found throughout Scripture. For one, it helps human beings understand that God isn’t simply interested in just being a distant god on a throne for everyone to fear and obey. He created us to have a deeply personal and loving relationship with Him! It is in our intimacy with Him that we are healed and transformed into true a reflection of Christ.
The imagery that is to be created by a bride dressed in white is one of purity. Why is this significant? Major problems develop when Christians are not able to grasp God’s transforming Love or His Grace deep within their wounded hearts. Our wounds have left most of us with impure soil in our hearts. It is full of the rocks and weeds of bitterness, injustice, insecurity, and wrong thinking patterns. As a result, some people will use religion as a cover up like a mask or to prop their self-esteems on… making them self-righteous and judgmental, all the while keeping them in bondage to vices and other sins.
When we can relinquish control to our heart’s Gardener and learn to trust Him, our hearts can be weeded and cultivated as we learn to be washed in the cleansing waters of His Word. But we cannot stop there. It is while we meet face to face with Him in the garden during the cool of the day that we are changed from glory to glory (1 Corinthians 3:18).
It is as we flow in the River of His Glorious Presence that our oil lamps are filled (Matthew 25). And had you ever noticed? Oil is what is able to help keep gears and wheels of a machine turning? Think of those wheels and gears as the other members of Christ’s Body (and Bride) working together to bring healing to the nations. But if we don’t spend time in God’s intimate Presence getting filled back up, we will soon place all of our focus upon precepts and doctrine and lose sight of loving God’s children. Pretty soon, we will start to resemble the only people Jesus ever openly rebuked, those stiff-necked religious leaders who ended up killing Him and His followers (Matthew 23)!
Since the time is soon approaching for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb, the Father is releasing revelation to us that will prepare for His Son a pure Bride. It is in greater intimacy with Him that our hearts and lives will finally be able to grasp the righteousness already given to each of us by Christ’s loving sacrifice. Hence, the name for this blog is The Spotless Bride. It is in our intimacy with Him that we will be transformed and made pure so we may produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, see Galatians 5:22).

Read more at:

Motivation (The Spotless Bride blog)

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