Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Covenant of Grace

Double Rainbow, City Silt
Colorado, USA

This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you,
and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign
of the covenant between Me and the earth.
It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud;
and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you
and every living creature of all flesh;
 the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.

- Genesis 9:12-15

At one point in my life, the rainbow came to have a very special meaning.

The rainbow is a symbol of promise, also commonly believed to be a bridge between heaven and earth.

For me, the rainbow serves as a reminder of God's favor in my life.

In the recent deaths of my two dear friends Marivic and Joan, and my beloved pet dachshund Patches that have confronted me face to face these past weeks, the rainbow has once again served to remind me of a beautiful place of promise.

I am aware that New Age proponents use the rainbow as a symbol of peace and freedom, and the gay movement has the colors of the rainbow on their flag.

But the rainbow first appeared in the sky after the great flood that wiped out the entire world and God wanted to start afresh with Noah and his family.

Several times in my life, times when I needed an encouragement from God, I had looked up and seen a rainbow in the sky.

I have often dreamed of rainbows and my spirit has understood the spiritual message implied in the dream.

Understandably, the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow is one of my favorites. It was played at Joan's funeral upon her request.

Such a timely reminder of beautiful things to come!

The pain in my heart at having lost my 9 year old pet dog eased just after a few days after her death.

That week, I noticed that Sammy, my other pet, a dachshund-Basset hound mix breed, was also showing the same symptoms as Patches. Naturally I was worried and wanted to do what I could to make sure her condition would not worsen.

I gave her lots of freshly made bone broth, and added kefir and virgin coconut oil to her daily diet.

On the evening of February 14, I appealed to Abba Father to do a miracle healing in my dog's life.

That weekend, Sammy's condition improved. At the same time, God opened my spiritual eyes to view the recent events in my life from a different perspective.

In God's economy, pets are an important part of His creation, but I sensed Him saying that my spiritual energy was to be focused more on the eternal destiny of my family. He was reminding me not to be remiss in my prophetic intercession for them.

Of course I knew this all along, but the timely reminder was much needed. The truth hit me... and at that point I made a fresh resolve to once more assume my role as gatekeeper and prophet, priest, and king in my family.

Praise God for the covenant of grace that He has entered into with His creation.

So I take back the rainbow from those who would want to give it a different meaning.

The message of the rainbow is that God is a promise keeper...

I can fully trust Him with my life... and that of my loved ones. He is a God of mercy and grace.

He gives, not as this world gives... but infinitely, exceedingly beyond what I ask or imagine!

Here's a beautiful rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful World medley by Hawaiaan singer Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole. The video also show amazing photos of rainbows from all over the world!

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