Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 32 - Valley of Baca

Valley of Baca

Blessed is the man whose strength is in You,
Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
They make it a spring;
The rain also covers it with pools,
They go from strength to strength;
Each one appears before God in Zion.

O LORD of Hosts,
Blessed is the man who trusts in You!

- Psalm 84: 5-7, 12

This is my assurance for this year that is ending, and the year about to begin:

God is my safe place as I go through the Valley of Baca.

I have set my heart on this pilgrimage, this sacred journey.

There is no getting around this valley, and many other valleys like it.

The Valley of Baca is a place of weeping, yet it has become a place of springs for many others before me. In the strength provided by Abba Father, I can do the same.

There is another valley I go through, the Valley of Achor, a place of trouble. Yet God promises that in that valley is a door of hope -- a way out.

And as I go through that door, it opens up to the place of restoration. I get back my vineyards where I can sing again as in the days of my youth.

There's no going around valleys as I go on this pilgrimage to the heart of my Father.

I plod on, tired and weary at many times... the journey seems too long. I yearn to be home, to see my Father's face. To be refreshed, and feast at His table.

But the journey is part of the refining process, the building of strength inside of me needed for the rest of the journey.

I am grateful for the inner light guiding me. There is never a day that I feel abandoned.

Amazing but true.

There is something that keeps hope alive, keeps me holding on to the promise, Abba Father will never leave me or forsake me.

There are times when I need to stop. Get my bearings. Get some rest to regain strength.

My thirst drives me to search and dig for water.

Because in the valley of Baca, it has been said there's underground water to be found. If I am thirsty enough, nothing will stop me from digging until I find that spring.

And so I dig deeper. Until I find the water... 

This valley is also called, "The Thirsty Valley." It is for thirsty wayfarers like me... who will not stop until the source of refreshing is discovered.

Then God grants favor... my digging is rewarded. Didn't He promise, If You seek Me you will find Me?

There are others with me in this journey who are also digging. Together we sit, and drink to our hearts' delight.

The spring is deep and there is more than enough water for all of us, and others to come.

It bubbles up with fresh, clear, sweet, life-giving water.

Joy wells up with the discovery... and the greatest joy comes from knowing I am not alone in the journey.

Abba Father gives more favor... the autumn rains come, and soon the spring of water become pools of water.

Because water attracts water.

God comes to us like the rains... and showers us to refresh us, and strengthen us. and fill our hearts with joy.

That we may not give up when the going gets too difficult, or the road ahead gets too lonely.

He gives water to the thirsty... food to the hungry... opens up for us streams in the desert.

It is not a journey for the weak, or the faint of heart.

These are the ones who "go from strength to strength..."

Blessed is the man whose strength is in You.

Blessed is the man who trusts in You.

It's all about trust... I trust You with all that I am because I know that the journey is not in vain.

The Message Bible puts it this way: 

"These roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn -- Zion! God in full view!"

Abba Fatther, I hold on to you as the year ends... 

I put my trust in You.

Thank you for the spring of living water, the times of refreshing, the encouragement, the fresh supply of joy and gladness. 

The joy of the Lord is my Strength!

You supply me with the needed strength... until the day when I see you in full view. That is the encouragement for this journey - the amazing eternal reward of You, Abba Father.


  1. Thanks for God's given words today. Truly, God is our everything.
    I share also my walk with God in my everyday life in my other blog:
    right noe, I am reposting entries from my " letter to God contest last april.
    May you be blessed more sister Lidia:)

  2. I want to follow this link, but you dont have follow up link?
