Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 21 - Morning Dew

Morning Dew

It's a cold, early morning here in Central Virginia. And I just finished lifting up my dawn watch prayers before my Abba Father. This passage of Scripture is very much on my heart this morning:

Now these are the last words of David.

Thus says David the son of Jesse;

Thus says the man raised up on high,

The anointed of the God of Jacob,

And the sweet psalmist of Israel:

The Spirit of the LORD spoke by me,

And His word was on my tongue.

The God of Israel said,

The Rock of Israel spoke to me:

"He who rules over men must be just,

Ruling in the dear of God,

And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises,

A morning without clouds,

Like the tender grass springing out of the earth,

By clear shining after the rain."

Painfully beautiful... these words of Scripture tug at my heart.

Raise up leaders like this for us, Abba Father... for our nation, and for our churches. Protect us from self-centered leaders who desire only to build their own kingdoms. How it must grieve Your heart. Raise up men and women like King David, men and women after Your heart. 

May our church truly be a House of Prayer... giving glory, honor, and pleasure to You alone ... lifting up a sweet aroma of prayer incense... from true worshipers... of humble and pure speech... bridal intercessors seeking Your face... longing to draw near... hungry for intimacy and communion... seeking Your kingdom and Your righteousness. 

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