Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 6 - Cleansing Word


You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.

- John 15:3

My Father says:

"I want you to understand just how powerful My spoken word is. It was My son who spoke the word to His disciples -- a word of acceptance and a word of cleansing over them, cleansing them from a foggy understanding of eternal realities. 

That same word applies to you this very moment. You have received that Word, that Living Word, into your life.

It has cleansed you from the guilt and the eternal consequences of sin.

That same spoken word continues to cleanse you from faulty mindsets, continues to purify your heart of what will not last for eternity. That spoken word has already made you clean. 

You are accepted in My sight...

That spoken Word will continue to give you a hunger for righteousness, and a desire to be restored to a place of intimacy with Me.

Trust that Word. Never let it go unheeded.

It will bring you to higher ground."

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