Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 5 - Pruning


Every branch in  Me that doesn't bear fruit
He takes away;
And every branch that bears fruit He prunes, 
that it may bear more fruit.
- John 15:2

I hear Abba Father saying:

"Every branch in the Vine of my Son Jesus is precious to Me. I do not easily give up, I am not easily disappointed. My heart is full of hope for my children who are not bearing fruit. I continue to believe in the best they can be. I lift them up, I give them help, I do not leave them alone to fend for themselves...

I want to bring them to an environment of growth so that someday - soon! - I will begin to see the fruit I am longing for.

And when I see the fruit, I begin to prune so that more fruit will come. I am thrilled when I see my children bearing fruit despite the difficult circumstances they are in...

A tiny seed of faith...

A small step of obedience...

A glimmer of hope...

That is fruit to Me.

I do not despise the small steps you take to draw near. I welcome your attempts with open arms.

You are a delight to me. I value you, and I believe in the best that you can be."

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