Friday, December 5, 2014

Faithful God

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
- Psalm 46:10

A catastrophic storm is being forecast to hit our islands within the next 48 hours. 

The fury of Yolanda (international name Haiyan) which devastated many parts of our nation only a year ago is still very fresh in our minds. And so, with another impending tropical depression (international name Hagupit) which is said to be taking the same path Haiyan did, and with nearly the same intensity and force, we are driven to our knees, pleading with Almighty God to protect us.

Years ago, one week after typhoon Ondoy caused severe flooding and untold damage to Metro Manila Pastor Edgar of Victory QC said something that I will never forget. 

He said, "The floods in our lives serve one purpose, to drive us to seek Higher Ground."

How very true indeed.

Two months ago, I was down on my knees crying out to Abba Father for His protective hand to be upon my daughter in law and her baby who was about to be born one month premature. 

It is in times like those, when the circumstances we are facing are beyond our control, that we truly realize how helpless we are, and how utterly dependent we are on a Power and Force much greater than ourselves.

In sickness... in the face of natural calamities... and many other such situations, we come to the end of ourselves.

We can only bow before our Heavenly Father, the Faithful One, the God of the How Much More, and call out to Him for a way out of the storm.

You are So Faithful (Bob Fitts)

Like the sun that rises everyday,
You are so faithful, Lord You are faithful
Like the rain that You send,
And every breath that I breathe,
You are so faithful, Lord.

Like the rose that comes alive every spring,
You are so faithful, Lord, You are faithful,
Like the life that You give
To every beat of my heart
You are so faithful, Lord.

I see the cross and the price You had to pay
I see the blood that washed my sins away

In the midst of the storm
Through the wind and the waves
You'll still be faithful, You'll still be faithful
When the stars refuse to shine and time is no more
You'll still be faithful
You'll still be faithful, Lord.


  1. Praying for you - storm or not! He IS our Higher Ground.

  2. Praying sis Lidia. Yes, God is still faithful in the midst of the storm. Whether we live or die, no one can separate us from His love.
