Friday, May 30, 2014


The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart--
These, O God, You will not despise.
- Psalm 51:17

He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds.
- Psalm 147:3

For I will restore health to you
And heal you of your wounds, says the Lord
Because they called you an outcast saying:
This is Zion;
No one seeks her.
- Jeremiah 30:17

If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, 
and do that which is right in His eyes,
and give ear to His commandments,
and keep all His statutes,
I will put none of the diseases on you
that I put on the Egyptians,
for I am the LORD, your healer.
- Exodus 15:26

kintsukuroi - n.

lit. golden repair

the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with lacquer resin dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique

(Source: Wikipedia)

I came across a beautiful post on Facebook a few days ago. It was about the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery, called kintsukuroi.

It deeply touched my heart for it is such a beautiful picture of how Abba Father heals our brokenness.

As a philosophy, kintsukuroi speaks to brokenness and repair becoming part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

I have been thinking a lot about this the past days, and the possibilities of being made beautiful, even after being shattered and smashed to pieces by the painful events of life, just blows my mind away.

Not a single piece will be discarded from our lives when the hand of the Potter begins to repair our brokenness.

It is a process.

I can imagine that in heaven, our wounds will not be hidden, but will be displayed with splendor, because the healed and restored portions of our lives will be glorious to behold.

Abba Father promises to restore all the years that the locust has eaten.

This has a literal fulfillment here on earth, and an eternal fulfillment for each one of us, in heaven.

What a glorious day that will be! Another reason for me to look forward to heaven!

The moon will shine like the sun,
and the sunlight will be seven times brighter,
like the light of seven full days,
when the LORD binds up the bruises of His people
and heals the wounds He inflicted.
- Isaiah 30:26

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