Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 3 - The Vinedresser


I am the true vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.
- John 15:1

Abba Father says:

"My Son Jesus is the True Vine -- and you My daughter, are one of the many branches. I am the Vinedresser, the Husbandman, the Gardener.

I am also the fertile ground on which the Vine grows. I make the conditions right and perfect for optimum growth.

I pour in nourishment, send enough rain and sunlight.

Protect the Vine from harsh elements.

Shield it, till, and cultivate the soil.

The Vine, Jesus is the True Vine. I take care of the Vine because my ultimate aim is good fruit."

My response:

"I desire to remain connected to You Father through Your Son Jesus. You are my Life Source."

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