Wednesday, March 25, 2015

On Being a Servant

The Provident Maidservant

But Jesus called them to Himself and said,

"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and those who are great exercise authority over them.

Yet it shall not be so among you;
but whoever desires to become great among you,
let him be your servant.

And whoever desires to be first among you,
let him be your slave--

just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve,
and to give His life a ransom for many."

- Matthew 20:25-28

Most urban Filipino homes rely on the services of a domestic helper to keep the house clean, cook meals, and many other daily chores. This is a give and take relationship, benefiting both the master and the servant. Many young women from the rural areas earn a living this way; the income they receive at the end of each month is a big help to their families. The family being served is only too happy to be relieved of the burden of doing the routine chores, freeing the man and woman of the home to pursue a career or livelihood confident that their needs are being met by someone they can trust.

My daughter, Obedient One, is privileged to have such an efficient maid living with her. Aiza has served us for three years already. What a tremendous help she has been to my daughter. This month, however, Aiza is home for her yearly vacation. So, I am in Manila for a few weeks to be with Obedient One.

Being a servant... this is not really a new thing for me. Growing up, I have seen servanthood being modeled before me and my sister by our parents. They taught us the dignity of hard work, the beauty of simplicity, the value of true humility.

In my growing up years, having household help was a privilege, not something to be demanded or expected.

I remember how Papa would always tell us, A woman who knows the value of hard work and who knows how to run her household will earn for herself a good  husband.

Seeing it modeled by my own earthly parents has its merits.

But seeing it modeled by Jesus Himself has made me desire to continually walk in servanthood and humility.

When my maid of 12 years left our home when my three children were only in elementary school, and both my husband and I had full times jobs, I was crushed.

From the day Ernie and I moved to Bacolod City, a year after we got married, there had never been a day that we did not have hired help doing the household work for us. 

I had become so dependent on my household helpers, that to suddenly find myself without one... was such a frightening prospect.

But that same night I bit the bullet and said to myself, "I do not want to live my life being dependent on somebody else to run my home for me."

Ernie and I agreed that it was time to teach our own children the value of work. We would only get a laundry woman twice a week. The rest of the work we would do ourselves, as a family.

It was very, very difficult at the start. But it was something we had also done as a family in my growing up years. I was grateful to have been given training by my wise father and mother.

Servanthood does something to your soul. It makes you humble.

It re-calibrates your expectations.

Being a servant doesn't allow a life of entitlement. You serve, you give of yourself... without expecting anything in return.

For my own sake, I had to learn what it means to serve with joy and gladness, not grudgingly, or with a complaining, resentful spirit. I saw my parents live it in their own lives.

But again, I have seen it in the life of Jesus.

Yes, I want to follow in the steps of my Master.

I went to Manila one week before my sixty-second birthday to serve my daughter.

She has a difficult schedule, and her office is several cities away from where she lives.

I know she appreciates all the help she can get.

Today was just a typical day for me. 

Because daughter leaves for work at 6:30 a.m., my day starts before dawn. I take a quick shower, then go down to prepare breakfast for both of us, and to pack her lunchbag for the day.

For breakfast: 
I boiled some sweet potatoes.

Cooked oatmeal.

Chopped garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions for the omelette... then cooked the omelette for breakfast.

Chopped some more garlic, onions, and bell peppers, diced the cooked chicken, and sliced the 
Chinese pechay (cabbage) for her lunch... then cooked the stir fry chicken and pechay dish.

Cut up the carrots, cucumber, celery, squash, and apple for juicing... then juiced the vegies and apple.

Set the table for breakfast... sliced the fruit... toasted the bread... sliced some cheese... etc.

Packed the lunch bag with snacks (raisins... dried fruit... cookies... some sweet potatoes) and the lunch.

Daughter and I then quickly ate breakfast together. 

As soon as daughter left for work, I continued to eat my breakfast, leisurely... did some reading at the same time.

After breakfast, I washed all the pots, pans, dishes, utensils, and cleaned the juicer. (We don't use electric dishwashers.) Dried the dishes and put them away, Cleaned the kitchen floor and counters till they were sparkling clean.

Fed the cat and the dog.

Swept the front yard, and back yard, and watered all the plants.

I rested a bit... then ate a late lunch.

After lunch, I did the laundry and hanged the clothes out to dry.

Then I gave daughter's dog George a thorough haircut... then gave him a bath... wiped him dry... brushed his fur.

Did some cleaning around the house.

By this time... I'm pooped. I'm not doing any more work.

I will eat a light supper later, and take a shower. Then I will have a little time for myself.

There's really not much time left for anything else... but this is my role these days. The house is big, and the gardens need looking after.

Daughter will come home at around 10 p.m.  Maybe even later. Tired from a long day at work... tired from traveling just to get home. But always happy to see me. She is always ready with stories to tell me.

I will sit up with her, serve her a bowl of bone broth... and iced tea with honey... some crackers with mango jam. And listen to her stories.

We will pray together, thanking God for how the day has been.

In bed, we will listen to soft worship music, until we both fall asleep.

Tomorrow is another day.

Servanthood. It is a literally a daily, routine thing.

The daily-ness of being a servant, day after day, is what builds the character. You have to be willing to do it, and find joy in serving others... or it will lose its redemptive purpose.

My life is not always like this, but for the next few weeks, this is how it will be.

And what makes my heart sing in the midst of it all... is the joy that fills my heart these days.

Thankful am I... for the opportunity to serve. Not everyone is given that privilege and honor.

Service is the language of grace.
- Dave Stone