Sunday, August 25, 2013

Forty Days of Journeying Deeper Into the Father's Heart: Day 1

Red Grapes

Abide in Me, and I in you. 
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, 
unless it abides in the vine, 
neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

- John 15:4

I start today with a forty day journey of going deeper into the Father's heart.

The main theme of this 40-day journey is abiding. I start it as I am about to embark on an unplanned trip to the USA... 

In just a few days I will be leaving, and I want to make it a simultaneous spiritual journey during which I am seeking God to reveal His plans and purposes for me at a higher level. I want to be spiritually alert and aware of what God is doing.

And... I do want this trip to be a milestone in my 60th year.

I woke up this morning from a dream where I was listening to a powerful message on my laptop -- but I don't recall the message. In the dream I was also speaking to a group, and my friend Miriam was one of them. In another segment of the dream, I was being followed by people I had mentored through the years - a long line of people!

Fruit of character, and fruit of influence. These are the kinds of fruit I want to have in my life. Once again, it all boils down to ABIDING. Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.

Thank You Abba Father for speaking so specifically to me this morning.